

Monday 30 March 2020

Work and Education From Home - COVID-19 - Commute

Commuting demand is likely to change with digital
Opportunities to learn and work   from home or
Residential places gaining and improving
Over the past few days due to threat from a new
Nano sized pathogen SARS-COV2 infecting people and
Affecting their lifestyles across the globe with

Vaccine and drugs availability to cure the
Infected about a year or two away. So, transportation
Resources burdened till now due to over capacity
Utilisation can be optimised for environmental and
Societal sustenance for a long time to come.

Communication and transport are linked and referred
Often together even historically and the linkage is
More well defined today with electronic devices that are
Mobile and integrated with transport modes (rail/road)
Using wireless technologies and systems. Thus, to
Transport people and goods between an Origin & Destination
Efficiently and safely post lockdown would require new
Systems, planning & concepts in the changed scenario.


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