

Saturday, 17 February 2018

Conceptual Grade Separated Intersections with Integrated Bus Stand (Part-1)


Nodes on the road network are the intersections where traffic changes direction to head towards the desired destination. As a result of directional changes of the traffic, there are a number of conflict points at the intersections causing safety concerns. Especially, with different modes including pedestrians and increasing volumes of traffic flow through the intersections. Minimising or eliminating  the conflict points at intersections is a continuous process for enhancing safety, and; a variety of measures are in use or are in study to control the flow of traffic through signalisation and/or geometrical solutions at grade and also by grade separation.  Bus stops are normally placed at a minimum distance away from the intersections as per norms or at mid-block. Grade separation impacts the location of bus stops moving them towards mid-block and increasing the transfer distance to transit passengers. A set of conceptual integrated grade separated intersections which laterally and vertically segregate traffic flows by vehicle size to different levels [’n’ grades - (G 0) Ground, (G -n) Underpass and (G +n) Elevated] with integrated bus stops to minimise the transfer distance of transit passengers and safe passage of vehicles and pedestrians is suggested.

Henry Ford II writing in the introduction to the book on Machines (Life Science Library, 1964, Time Incorporated) stated that Henry Ford I believed in working hard and not in doing hard work.

It essentially means, man must work hard and let machines do the hard work.

Translating this to transportation:

“Pedestrians and bicyclists to maintain the same grade on a road network to the extent possible and, motor vehicles to change grade as often as required and appropriate.”

The concept includes pedestrian crossings which are at the same grade as pedestrian or passenger paths and are also integrated with bus stops at ground and elevated levels. The height of elevated pedestrian crossings, where necessary, is lower than normal reducing pedestrian effort. Pedestrian crossing will be during a synchronized signal phase with bus dwell time.

Pedestrian-vehicular conflict levels, on the two carriageways and the roadway as a whole,  with bus lanes in the centre as in  BRT systems were compared with those with bus lanes on the curbside which is the conventional practice. The comparison indicated the advantages of the curbside bus lanes.

The concept is detailed with curbside bus lanes. 

The road infrastructure which was pedestrian and non-motor vehicle centric leaned towards motor vehicle or car centric post introduction of motor vehicles in to the transportation system and less on people centric. With increasing volumes of motorized traffic in the transportation system, significant developments, during the last half a century plus period, have taken place in the geometry of links (road sections) and nodes (intersections). Vehicles, both motorized and non-motorized, of different sizes and people (pedestrians) are moving on the road network and the infrastructure is needed to be upgraded, planned and designed to cater to all. The motor vehicle centric or more precisely car centric planning, is however, showing signs of shift again towards people centric with increasing emphasis on non-motorized and mass transport modes. Mode segregation through dedicated lanes (lateral segregation), such as foot paths, cycle tracks and bus lanes are in practice with varying level of implementation and successes across regions. This is to address the safety issues and reduce the friction created by different class of vehicles on a link to provide an efficient travel facility. Intersections (or the nodes) are the locations on a road network where direction of travel changes and the geometry depends on the number (three or more) of intersecting links. Basically, three or four legged intersections which are in majority, in most regions, can be conceptually represented as “Perpendicular Intersections” in the form of a “á´›” (T) and “+” (X) where links intersect with each other at right angles.  Though, intersections on ground could be skewed as well with links intersecting at different angles. Traffic passing through an intersection experiences diverging, merging and crossing conflicts. The number of conflicts increases with the increase in number of intersecting links thereby increasing the risk of collisions. Traffic flow through intersections with the objective of minimizing the risk of collisions is managed by different methods of channelization (including rotaries or roundabouts) and or control measures (manual – police or automatic signaling) depending on the volume of traffic. The later measures of controlled flow can result in significant stopped delays at intersections and are not desired by users. This necessitated the need for vertical segregation of traffic to different levels (grades) of travel surfaces such as on ground (G 0), over ground (G +n) and underground (G -n) – “n” the number of level(s) above or below ground – on which traffic in different directions flows at intersections with high volume of traffic. Different forms of grade separation schemes (including directional interchanges) [00], in accordance with traffic requirements and space availability / constraints, are in practice, both, in urban areas (arterial roads) and rural areas (inter-city highways). Also, a few Unconventional Intersection and Interchange Designs (UIIDs) have been implemented and studied for enhancing the traffic flow and safety through the intersections [01].  These grade separation facilities including the simplest of forms in urban areas have an impact on the location of bus stops. The bus stops are usually planned at a minimum distance away from an intersection such that the flow of traffic is not impeded. Grade separation facilities push bus stops farther away from intersections and in some cases to almost the midpoint of a link between two intersections. This increases the walking distance of transfer passengers moving over to the bus stop on the other side of a roadway or any other bus stop on other links of the intersection.

A set of conceptual grade-separated intersections which laterally and vertically separate vehicles by size – Buses/Trucks (G 0 or G +1) and Cars / Motor Cycles (G -1 & G -2) – with bus stops on ground (G 0) or elevated (G +1) at the mouth of intersection to minimize walking distance of transfer passengers is proposed here.

The objective of the concept – an integrated bus stand and grade separated intersection – is for providing an efficient passenger transfer facility and also for smooth flow of MV (motor vehicle), NMV (Non-MV) and pedestrian traffic through the intersection in consideration of the following:

    1.  Walking distance of transfer passengers is minimal;
    2.  Bus stops are within intersection functional area;
    3.  Availability of direction wise bus stop(s) to accommodate maximum number of berths;
    4.  Pedestrian and bicycle crossings are integrated;
    5.  Availability of bicycle and motor cycle (scooter) parking space to encourage public transport usage;
    6.  Drop and pickup points for personalised owned and hired vehicles;
    7.  Conflict between buses and other motor vehicles passing through the intersection is eliminated;
    8.  All grade separated movements to be within the common area formed of ROW width of intersecting roads;
    9.  Natural order - Left, Straight & Right - of traffic flow is maintained even with grade separation; and
 10.  Land requirement other than the ROW (Right of Way) is minimised;

The concerns identified, and suggestions stated in Optimal Allocation of Road Space [02], concerning the safe movement of pedestrians, cyclists and passenger access to bus stops have been an input in preparing the conceptual intersections and the arrangement of various elements on the links between two intersections.

Grade Separated Straight Flows

The impact of grade separation on the location of bus stops in urban areas can be gauged by the simplest form of grade separation in which straight flows on one or both the axes of an X-Intersection are assigned to different levels and turning movements are retained at ground level and are signal controlled. Such a facility is a common practice in India.

The design parameters which impact the location of bus stops are:

1.   Minimum Distance between Intersection and Bus Stop [03] – 75 m
2.   Minimum Vertical Clearance (MVC) in Urban Areas [03] – 5.50 m
3.   Maximum Height: Single deck vehicles [04] – 3.8 m
4.   Maximum Height: Vehicles carrying Freight Containers [04] – 4.2 m
5.   Double decker [04] – 4.75 m
6.   Maximum Gradient for Urban Roads with slow moving traffic [03] – 2%
7.   Maximum Gradient for approaching viaducts / earth embankments [05] – 3.5%
8.   Maximum Gradient for Urban Roads [03] – 4%

MVC suggests that the travel surface of a grade separated flow will be about 7.5 m above or below the flow on ground assuming a deck depth of 2 m (Design dependent) of the structure for which MVC needs to be maintained for serving the vehicles of different heights. Thus, a ramp length of about 225 m would be required to connect the grade separated travel surfaces to the ground level assuming a slope of 1: 30 (3.33%) within the guideline limit.

Impact of Grade Separation (IGS)

IGS (Passengers) - The bus stops are normally positioned at locations shown in GREEN on a conventional X-intersection with all movements on ground. However, grade separation necessitates the bus stops to be positioned at locations marked in RED. Thus, walking distance will increase for the transfer passengers. Passengers do get some relief, when the bus stops, for buses turning left or right, are positioned at locations shown in YELLOW approximately midway between the other two locations or a point towards the intersection close to the start/end of ramps serving the grade separated flows.

The location of bus stops due to grade separation does not significantly affect the passengers accessing the bus stops on the same side of the blocks of their residence or economic activity but does for the ones on the other side of the link as they must use the pedestrian facilities at the intersection.

IGS (Buses and Stops) - The bus stops are normally planned in pairs on both sides of the carriageway of a link and end
up at eight locations around an X-Intersection in certain cases. This of course, gives flexibility to the operator to plan routes and stoppings depending on the service category “Regular” or “Express” and passenger demand.  That is, operators can plan such that the buses stop at bus stops either on the intersection entry side or on exit side. Alternatively, the operator can choose to stop at both or, not, at any, depending on the service category. In addition, buses may stop once more at an intersection on RED at a traffic signal if GREEN signal is not available on approach.
Buses moving in the grade separated direction would benefit from not stopping for signals as they use the ramp and get an uninterrupted movement. Even the buses moving on ground (G 0) will benefit through reduced signal cycle lengths.  However, depending on the grade separation scheme, at an intersection, the operator may change buses stopping plan and consider stopping those buses that turn left or right, on the intersection exit side, post passing through the intersection, in addition to intersection entry side, or the other way around, to facilitate passengers, who otherwise would have to walk increased distances to change routes. This may increase the number of stoppings for buses moving in that direction and correspondingly the journey time.

IGS (Traffic) - The traffic approaching an intersection weaves to the adjacent lane (yellow) or across multiple lanes (red) or maintains in the lane (green) to be in the desired position on the carriage way for turning left or right at the intersection or; continue to move straight through the intersection. The natural order on the carriage way for respective turns at an intersection is left, straight and right. This order is disturbed even with a simple flyover for straight through traffic. The positions of right turning and straight through traffic on the carriage way are swapped.

The movement of buses between intersections at grade on a road network is typical to that of other motorized vehicles in the section. That is, they weave between inner and outer lanes (excluding rash or dangerous driving) as do other traffic. However, their large size does affect the flow of other vehicles, especially in an urban network, when they weave in to and out of the bus stops located on the outer lane. The affect is felt more at the bus stops on the intersection exit side than those at intersection entry side. For, on the intersection entry side traffic is normally slowing down closure to the intersection for a possible halting at the signals, if any, or changing lanes to turn as appropriate and move cautiously through the intersection. On the other hand, at intersection exit side the affect is more; for, traffic is just then leaving the intersection post a possible halting for signals and on the speed increase phase which is interrupted by a bus weaving in to or towards the inner lane. Ideally if the buses move only on the outer lanes along the paths shown in green (bus lanes) and not along paths shown in yellow or red; the interference with the other traffic is eliminated on intersection exit side and; at the intersection entry side, is minimized or reduced to the one concerning right turning buses only. However, the concept of bus lanes is not successful in some urban areas.

In a grade separated case the right turning buses do not significantly affect the flow of other turning traffic as it is already moving slow on the slip roads and approaching the usually signalized intersection. However, the buses weaving from a ramp towards a bus stop or those weaving towards a ramp, especially between two sequential ramps significantly affect the flow of other traffic. Impact is felt more by the traffic that is likely or weaving between lanes while approaching a ramp or moving down the ramp to complete the desired maneuver. 

Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)

BRT corridors were implemented [06], with either side lane (outer or curbside) or central lane (inner or median side) option or even a mix of the two including counter flow bus lanes for flexibility of the overall system. The lane segregation feature of BRT has eliminated or limited the impact of weaving on traffic flow. The more preferred option, in practice, is the central lane option with BRT lanes in both directions together functioning as a large median for the other traffic on the carriageway. BRT bus stops are located at the mouth (entrance and/or exit) of the intersection. The segregated bus stops would be compatible with conventional buses in which doors are present or open on to the left side for boarding and alighting activity. The island type bus stop, instead of segregated type, is one of the at grade design options suggested and presented in the guidelines for BRT corridors in Indian cities [07].

However, if a BRT corridor is along a path on which a flyover (or in general a grade separated facility) exists, or is in planning, weaving conflict is likely to occur depending on which traffic – buses or motorized vehicles – will use the flyover. If it is motorized vehicles, one of the options is discontinuation of BRT corridor prior to the beginning of the up ramp allowing appropriate weaving length for buses to enter the bus stop below and adjacent to the flyover and the other traffic to access the flyover. The BRT corridor continues after an appropriate weaving length, to permit the traffic to
switch lanes to the desired position on the road surface, at the end of the down ramp of the flyover.  That in effect results in a weaving conflict between buses and other traffic at entry/exit ramps of the grade separated facility. An alternative to eliminate the weaving conflict is to extend the flyover on the hatched green sections with desired Minimum Vertical Clearance and the up/down ramps positioned in the light green sections for uninterrupted movement of vehicles using flyover. Another option is a split flyover for the two directions along the light green axes such that the bus stops are located under the flyovers and buses move with no deviations.

Another option is to consider the flyover as part of the BRT corridor and the other traffic moves at grade. This however is more effective only when there are no bus-routes with turning buses at the considered intersection and a high volume of buses do move straight. Bus stops in this case need not be close to the intersection as no transfers take place here and can be placed at grade in the mid-block of the approach sections on both sides of the flyover. The mid-block bus stops have limitations and are more effective with a bypass lane provision than without. In the absence of a bypass lane, express service buses, need necessarily to halt (that is, without boarding/alighting operation) at mid-block bus stops resulting in some delay to such buses against the concept of rapidity of the corridor. And if turning buses do pass through the intersection or is needed to be planned for such bus flows in the future, BRT corridor can be planned to accommodate such flows. In this case, bus stops for turning buses will be at the mouth of the intersection and for straight moving buses will be at mid-block of approach sections on both ends of the flyover. The limitations of mid-block bus stops would have impact on the turning buses, as well, just as in the case of straight moving ones.

The mid-block bus stops with bypass lane option could be parallel or staggered depending on space availability. It is necessary to provide pedestrian crossing facilities at both ends of mid-block bus stops for passengers to access the same safely. However, in case of parallel and low passenger demand at a mid-block bus stop only one pedestrian crossing facility can be considered [07]. In the case of staggered mid-block bus stops pedestrian crossing facilities necessarily be provided at two locations. Thus, the other traffic moving on the link would have to stop at one or two pedestrian crossing facilities in addition to the stoppage at intersections causing additional delays and increasing journey times. Grade separated pedestrian facilities (subways or foot over bridges) would address this delay issue.

Berths in a bus stop normally have linear arrangement. The length of the bus stop depends on the number of berths. The length also depends on whether the buses enter and exit the berths of a bus stop in a queue one behind the other, resulting in slight delay to some buses, or randomly enter and exit the vacant berth. The random entry / exit requires space between berths for the requisite manoeuver increasing the length of the bus stop. Longer the bus stop additional pedestrian crossings would be warranted causing vehicles to stop one additional time.

BRT Bus Stop Location Impact

BRT bus stops at or near the mouth of the intersection are located on the entry side of an intersection on the respective approach arms in line with the direction of movement of buses. Or alternatively, bus stops for the two directions of travel are placed parallel to each other on one leg of an intersection. In this case, bus stops in one direction will be on the entry side and in the other direction on the exit side of the intersection. The latter option is more convenient to transfer passengers than the earlier one with both being better than the conventional system of bus stops. In the event of high demand for bus movement and the number of buses exceed the bus stop capacity (number of berths or loading areas of a bus stop) additional buses have sufficient space to queue up in the case of entry side bus stops. In the case of exit side bus stop, additional buses must wait prior to the pedestrian crossing on the approach to the bus stop. That is, buses queue up in the intersection area impeding the movement of other traffic passing through the intersection. Also, the exit side bus stop remains unutilized, post exit of buses served by it, till the next phase of traffic signals which feeds buses to it. This is true even in the case of island type bus stop on one leg of the intersection although it has potential to permit platform transfer [06] of passengers. In the case of entry side bus stop the un-utilization period is minimized as some of the queued-up buses can be served during the red phase. The island type bus stop also restricts the assignment of conventional buses with doors opening on the left. Thus, necessitating the introduction of buses with doors opening right side in addition to left side. The arrangement of island bus stops with their limitations as stated earlier at intersecting corridors provides intersection transfers with minimum walking path along pedestrian crossings for transfer passengers. BRT systems are normally planned as closed systems, with buses usually moving straight through the intersection and no turns, to keep the rapid characteristics of the system as it shares road space at the intersection with other traffic passing through to keep the number of signal phases and cycle time to the minimum. A platform transfer [06] would be possible if routing is planned such that buses not only move straight (North-South or East-West) through the intersection but also with turns, example, North-East and reverse. Planning bus stops on the other two legs and corresponding routing will provide a comprehensive transfer facility.


The concept assumes lateral and vertical segregation of vehicles by size, essentially, the height of vehicles for safe and efficient movement of pedestrian and vehicular traffic through an urban arterial intersection.

The space standard or right of way (ROW) for urban arterial has been increased from 50-60 meters [03 & 05] to 50-80 meters [08]. The widths for different cross-sectional elements for the concept intersection are based on the information in various guidelines [03, 06 & 08].

The assumed dimensions of cross-sectional elements on arterial road are:

1.     Motor vehicle lanes    3 per direction   x             width 3m     x     directions 2         =          18m
2.     Bus lanes                    2 per direction   x             width 3.5m  x     directions 2         =          14m
3.     Median width                                                                                                             =          4m
4.     Motorway width                                                                                                         =          36m

This leaves a width of ROW range of 24m to 44m based on the respective upper limits (60m and 80m) of the space standard(s) range in 03 and in 08. This residual range of ROW can be utilised judiciously for the development of segregated supporting or auxiliary infrastructure such as foot paths (sidewalks), bicycle tracks, service roads, parking and drop/pickup points as required on both sides of the motorway.

The concept is developed considering buses to move, in physically segregated lanes, either in outer lanes as in the conventional bus system or in the central lanes as in BRT systems. In both the concepts buses can move rapidly as they are laterally and vertically segregated from other traffic. Trucks, or in general Heavy Motor Vehicles (HMV) including private or institutional buses, can also use these lanes prioritized for buses, during specified periods or throughout subject to capacity constraints and safety of bus passengers.

As stated in an earlier section maximum height of single deck vehicles, which includes buses and trucks, is 3.8 meters and that of double decker bus is 4.5 meters. Minimum vertical clearance required for Light Vehicles is 3.5 meters for an underpass [09]. The concept is based on this information and that most of the passenger vehicles (except double-decker and some category of large buses) and; some trucks (except large trucks) are observed to be less than 3.5 meters in height [10, 11] and do not require vertical clearance of 5.5 meters. Such vehicles can be classified as Small Motor Vehicles (SMV). SMVs in the concept are suggested to pass through the intersection using a network of subways at two different levels (G -1) & (G -2) with a vertical clearance of 3.5 meters.
SMVs right turn manoeuvres will be through an adapted Michigan Left (or Median U-Turn - MUT) [12] for LHT (Left Hand Traffic) regime and grade separation maintaining natural order of traffic flow at an intersection. MUT is an at grade intersection in which left turns in an RHT (Right Hand Traffic) regime are disallowed. The left turns are accomplished through a combination of right turn, followed by U-Turn and straight through or; straight through, followed by a U-Turn and a right turn as per the hierarchy of intersecting roads. 

The functional area [13] of the concept intersection is suggested to be delineated in to three distinguishable areas of “Intersection Area”, “Service Area” and “Approach Area”. Intersection area is the common physical area of the intersecting roads. The service area of the intersection includes left turn slip roads for buses, channelizing islands, bus stops and pedestrian crossings and; any other services required on ground for efficient functioning of the intersection. Channelizing islands double up as bus stops too. Subway network will be positioned below the intersection area and service area. The approach area is the section on the leg(s) of the intersection where the requisite decisions, manoeuvers (weaving) and operations (deceleration and may be stopping) for change of direction of travel occur. It contains desired ramps and weaving sections.

The vertical clearance of 3.5 meters for SMVs suggest that the travel surface of the subway at (G -1) level will be 5.5 meters below ground, assuming a deck depth of 2 meters, and; that of the subway at (G -2) level would be 11 meters below ground. The starting point of the ramps that connect the travel surface on ground with the travel surface of subways at (G -1) level will be 165 meters (RL) away from the edge of the intersection service area where the requisite vertical clearance is warranted with an assumed slope of 1:30 (3.33%) and; that of the ones that connect travel surface of subways at (G -2) level will be 330 meters (RL) away. The weaving section (WL) of the concept intersection is assumed to be 150 meters in length based on the guideline value of 300 meters desired length and minimum length of 200 meters between entry and exit terminals of an interchange [14]. The other half of 150 meters of the desired weaving length of 300 meters will be part of the functional length of the intersection on the other side of the road section under consideration, if midblock is absent (ML = 0). The presence of midblock (ML > 0) enhances the efficiency of sectional traffic flow.

Service length (SL) depends on the length of buses. The length of regular (‘R’) buses is 12 meters and that of the trailer (‘T1’) buses is 18 meters or 25 meters (for bi-articulated – ‘T2’) [10]. The concept is planned to accommodate the three sizes of buses, with doors on both sides, for universal application. Channelizing islands to be compatible with the size of bus stops to be housed.

Larger the bus stop size, larger will be SL and would impact ML of a section of road between two intersections. The minimum distance between intersection and bus stop [03] may be considered upper limit for SL (<= 75 m) of the concept. That is, bus stops are suggested to be within 75 meters of an intersection against the current norm of at least 75 meters between intersection and bus stops.
The assumptions indicate FL of a concept intersection on the side with a short ramp (from G -1 level) is likely to be about 400m and; on the side of a long ramp (from G -2 level) would be about 600m. This suggests that the minimum intersection spacing required would be in the range 800 to 1200m depending on the combination of ramps on the interconnecting road section between two intersections. Of course, the range may vary in accordance with or to meet the design norms. The recommended intersection spacing on arterial roads in urban areas is less than 1.5 kms in central business districts and about 8 kms in urban fringes [03]. The corresponding values for sub-arterial roads are 0.5 km and 3 to 5 kms respectively. The urban arterial road network is sparse in India and the average range of intersection spacing is 800 to 1900 meters in Delhi [06]. It may thus be possible to consider the concept on Indian road network. The concept may be more feasible in green field cities being planned and; in smart cities, especially with a greenfield option as the intersection spacing can be decided at the network planning stage. The minimum intersection spacing required for the concept intersection is marginally over one kilometer when two long ramps are in sequence or on the same axis of movement.

Concept with BRT in Central Lanes

The fact of developing a rapid bus corridor is to encourage use of public transport. This usage can be further enhanced by quick access facilities such as dedicated footpaths for public transport users. Such a facility, which can be part of Multi-Utility Strip [06]) adjoining the edge of the carriage way, can also be used for pickup and drop services of the likely public transport users. And the one on the edge of ROW is for the rest of pedestrians who access the abutting economic activities. The pedestrians on exiting a building need not come into conflict with cyclists or service road users and safely walk on this footpath for other tasks. Those who use public transport can wait on this and observing for appropriate gap in the movement of cyclists and service road users can cross over to the other footpath for accessing public transport.

01    Buses in all directions in either of the formats of a conventional system or as in BRT move at (G 0) level.
02    Channelizing islands and quadrants be designed to accommodate bus stops for buses moving straight and turning left.
03    Bus stops for buses turning right may be provided on the medians with adequate size at the mouth of intersection.
04    Bus lanes at mouth of intersection to be widened to facilitate express buses pass through a priority signal while others are in service at bus stops.
05    Trucks to use the Bus Lanes during designated hours.
06    All left turns are performed at (G -1) using the ramps on the LHS of the carriageway.
07    North-South-North straight moving traffic pass through intersection at (G -1) using ramps in the central lane.
08    South-East right turning traffic goes down the ramp on RHS to (G -1) continues at the same level till past the beginning of down ramps from north and makes a U-turn adjacent to the outer lane and merges with the left turning traffic from North to East and completes the right turn.
09    Similar movement for North-West right turn.
10    East-West-East straight moving traffic pass through intersection at (G -2) using ramps in the central lane.
11    West-South right turning traffic goes down the ramp on RHS to (G -2) continues at the same level till past the beginning of down ramp for left turning traffic from east. It then moves on the loop at (G -2) for U-turn under the ramps going down towards west and completes U-turn adjacent to the outer lane. It then moves up the ramp to (G -1) and merges with the left turning traffic from East to South and completes the right turn.
12    Similar movement for East-North right turn.
13    On approach sections to the intersection, Right Turning traffic, like in conventional at grade intersections, can continue to move or weave in to the inner lane to perform the right turning manoeuver. This is like dedicated left turn bypasses concept in a “Four-Flyover Roundabout” for a RHT regime traffic [15].
14    Buses and Trucks (HMVs) can access the adjoining zones through service roads and their connectors to the HMV Lanes.
15    Buses dwell time to be integrated with signal cycle and phasing to provide safe pedestrian crossing time slots.
16   Both sides of the roadway are suggested to be equipped with two segregated footpaths each of width appropriate for demand or of a minimum width as per norms for free flow of pedestrians and easy access to bus stops.

Bus stops with desired number of berths for buses moving in each of the three directions be designed in conjunction with design of (or housed in) channelizing islands and median in the intersection functional area. Thus, optimizing the space required for bus stops and minimising or eliminating land acquisition issues. Integrate pedestrian crossing facilities with bus stops such that passengers and pedestrians can crossover to the desired immediate destination(s) during the dwell time of buses at berths.

The number of vehicles (buses) with a potential for a conflict entering the intersection area are limited with only straight moving and right turning ones. Also, they enter the intersection area post boarding and alighting (dwell time) operations at the bus stops akin to stop, look and go traffic rule. Express buses can also follow this rule for safe maneuver through the intersection area. However, flow of buses to bus stops or express services which pass through them are to be controlled by traffic signals to permit safe passage of passengers on pedestrian crossings as they are placed behind the stopped buses. Thus, the intersection operates as a partially controlled one.

The buses exit from bus stops may be planned by synchronizing bus door closure and another set of traffic signals in front for greater safety of bus flow through the intersection area. Such an arrangement will be akin to trains passage through railway stations. 

BRT (or Bus) Lanes – Curb v/s Median side

BRT, a relatively recent development, addressed the weaving conflicts of buses and other motor vehicles on a roadway. It is mostly placed in the central lanes – median side (Alternate Option – AO). So naturally the bus stops that serve the passengers are in the center of the roadway unlike as in a conventional bus transportation system, predecessor to the BRT system which is in operation in parallel or otherwise, in which bus stops are located adjacent to and on the outer edge of the outer lanes - curbside (Base Option – BO).

Crossing Pedestrian Volume - Passengers accessing the bus stop in Alternate Option are necessarily to cross the roadway twice, once towards it and once more away from it. However, in Base Option passengers had an option of not crossing the roadway while moving to or from a bus stop if it is on the same side of their origin or destination respectively.

Assume N are the number of passengers on one of the two carriageways [Northern side in the picture(s)] and S = pN, 0 ≤ ≤ 1 are the number of passengers on the Southern carriageway. The number of pedestrians in the two separate sets of pedestrians crossing the two carriageways in Alternate Option are 2N and 2pN. That is, an aggregate of 2(1+p)N pedestrian crossings occur in Alternate Option which is same as that in Base Option. For, (1+pN), pedestrian crossings occur on each carriageway as pedestrians cross both the carriageways in sequence with a possible break in the middle (on median – refuge area) in Base Option (curbside) as half the number of passengers does not cross. That is, all passengers, in Base Option, cross only once, unlike, in Alternate Option in which all cross twice the same carriageway at different times.

Pedestrian Vehicular Conflict - Pedestrian-Vehicular Conflict (PVC) is measured by the expression, PV2 (where, P = Pedestrian volume and V = Vehicular volume) [16]. The PVC value on the northern carriageway is higher than that on southern carriageway, in Base Option as vehicular volume is higher on northern side. So also, in Alternate Option Case-1, as passenger and vehicular volumes together are higher on the northern side. The higher and lower PVC values of the two carriageways in Alternate Option Case-2 switch from one side to the other depending on the values of independent parameters “p” and “K” which respectively compute the lower passenger and vehicular volumes.

PVC difference between carriageways for all options are as given below.

 Base Option(1+p)NV- (1+p)KNV= (1-K)(1+p)NV2

Alternate Option Case-1: 2NV- 2KpNV= (1-Kp)2NV2

Alternate Option Case-2: 2pNV- 2KNV= (p-K)2NV2

Base Option v/s Alternate Option Case-1: 

The difference in PVC of the two carriageways in Base Option is less than that of the PVC difference in Alternate Option Case-1 as shown hereinafter.

(1-K)(1+p) - 2(1-Kp)  =  1 - K + p - Kp - 2(1-Kp)
                                    =  (1+K)(p-1) 
                                    ≤  0  for (p-1) ≤  0

This suggests that in Base Option pedestrian crossing risk level on one carriageway is similar or close to the risk level on the other carriageway of a roadway as against higher risk level on one carriageway in comparison to the risk level on the other carriageway in Alternate Option Case 1.

Base Option v/s Alternate Option Case-2: 

The difference in PVC of the two carriageways, (1-K)(1+p)NV2, in Base Option could be higher or lower than the corresponding difference in Alternate Option Case-2 expressed by (p-K)2NV2 for (p-K) could positive or negative as both “p” and “K” are independent of each other.

(1-K)(1+p) - 2(p-K) = 1 - K + p - Kp - 2(p-K)
                                 = (1-p)(1+K) 
                                 ≥ 0 for (1-p)  ≥  0

That is, (1-K)(1+p) ≥ 2(p-K) is true only when (p-K) ≥ 0. This is evident from the positive values in the upper triangle of the matrix as also that of the values in the diagonal cells. Further, some cells in the lower triangle (when (p-K) < 0) are positive a characteristic of absolute differences. This indicates that Alternate Option Case 2 has lower PVC difference between carriageways than that in Base Option for more than half the traffic scenarios in Alternate Option Case 2. However, many cells in lower triangle are negative indicating Base Option has lower PVC difference between carriageways than that in Alternate Option Case 2 for certain traffic scenarios. That is in this case (Alternate Option Case 2) pedestrian crossing risk levels on the two carriageways is similar or close only in limited traffic scenarios and not in all.

Base Option v/s Alternate Option: The difference in the PVC values of the two carriageways, in the overall, in majority of traffic scenarios (vehicular and pedestrian volumes), is lower in the Base Option in comparison to the differences that are likely in both the cases of Alternate Option. This is, primarily, because in Base Option PVC difference between carriageways is dependent on the variations in vehicular volumes only as crossing pedestrian volume is same on both the carriageways irrespective of different passenger volumes generation on the two sides of the roadway. Whereas, in Alternate Option, PVC level on the two carriageways is dependent on the variations of passenger and the resultant pedestrian volume generated on either side of the roadway as also the variations in vehicular volume which is resulting in the PVC difference between carriageways to be higher in majority traffic scenarios than that in Base Option. That is, crossing pedestrians are exposed to similar or close conflict levels on both the carriageways in the Base Option unlike significantly different conflict levels in the case of the two cases of Alternate Option. Further, the system introduced bias, in the Alternate Option, of exposing pedestrians generated on one side of the roadway to significantly higher conflict levels than those that are generated in the other side, is eliminated in the case of Base Option. This suggests, that Base Option has an advantage over the Alternate Option from the pedestrian safety perspective.

Roadway PVC: Aggregate PVC level on the roadway in the Base Option is the average of the aggregate PVCs of the two cases of Alternate Option and; Case-2, has the least aggregate PVC value as high pedestrian volume and high vehicular volume are on different carriageways.

That is,

[2(1+Kp)NV+ 2(K+p)NV2 ] / 2  =  (1+Kp+K+p)N V2  =  (1+p)(1+K)NV2
Alternate Option Case 2
Base Option
≤ (1+p)(1+K)NV2
Alternate Option Case 1
≤ 2(1+Kp)NV2

 [for, K ≤ 1 and p ≤ 1 K+p ≤ 2 and Kp ≤ 1 (K+p)-Kp ≤ 1(=2-1) (K+p) ≤ (1+Kp)]

This suggests that the directional volume (DV) significantly impacts the aggregate PVC values in Alternate Option from low to high between cases while DV has no impact on the aggregate PVC value in the Base Option. This further suggests that Base Option is stable considering the aggregate and directional distribution of PVC and thus has an advantage over the Alternate Option.

Concept and PVC: Grade separated pedestrian facilities (underpasses or bridges) can eliminate PVCs but crossing pedestrians resist their usage and risk crossing the roadway at grade. The resistance is due to the associated social risks in grade separated facilities, especially in less frequently used ones and; the need to walk additional distance to access them or to climb to a height which maintains MVC necessary for the movement of large vehicles.

The concept considers both at grade and elevated (safer and more acceptable than underpass) pedestrian crossing facilities which would appeal to the users. The concept considers reducing the height of an elevated crossing – by reducing MVC from 5.5m to 3.5m – an impediment for the use of pedestrian bridges. Pedestrian bridge’s usage can be enhanced through integrating them with bus stops through such facilities as provided by metro systems.

Bus Lanes PlacementBRT is developed as an open or closed system and mostly the bus lanes are placed in the center of the roadway on median side. BRT-CS (Closed System) is a dedicated system exclusively for buses, or routes to be specific, operating in the system. Although emergency vehicles can use the lanes in some systems, other buses (such as, school, institutional and chartered buses including bus routes operated by conventional bus systems) are prohibited from using BRT lanes. In such cases a complete segregation of SMVs and HMVs is not achieved. That is, the friction or conflict between HMVs and SMVs is only reduced but not eliminated. Use of BRT lanes by other mass transport vehicles – that is BRT-OS (Open System) – enhances the level of service of other buses and utilization of the BRT lane, which may remain underutilized otherwise, although, such utilization impacts the rapidity of the closed system to certain extent. In a centrally placed bus lanes system – closed or open – mass transport vehicles entering the bus lanes at access points may queue up in the intersection area in case of exit side island or split bus stops. Queueing up in the intersection area is eliminated by placing bus stops on the entry side of an intersection resulting in split bus stops by direction and no possibility of an island type bus stop. In the curbside bus lane system also queueing up in the intersection will occur in case of exit side bus stops suggesting that it is advantageous to place the bus stops on the intersection entry side.

Bus Stops: In both the cases – central or curbside – bus lane systems with bus stops placed at the mouth of the intersection, at the median location or on the corner of the intersection entry side corresponding to the system in place, the transfer passengers will use at grade pedestrian crossings connecting the four corners to move between bus stops. In case the intersecting roads are of same width, comparable transfer distances would be same in both systems. However, in the alternative, transfer distances between adjacent bus stops will differ by, a negligible length of, half of the difference in the widths (a and b) of the two intersecting roads and remain same for the pairs on the opposite side.

Bus Stops – Center:

Adjacent stop transfer distance is (a/2 + b/2) and to opposite one is (a/2 + b + a/2)

Bus Stops – Curbside:

Adjacent stop transfer distance is (a or b) and to opposite one is (a + b)

Ground Level Space Utilization: The traffic islands in urban areas guide the flow of traffic through the intersection for safe maneuver of both pedestrians and vehicular traffic. That is, traffic islands function as channelizing islands for vehicular traffic to change direction of flow or safe passage of opposing flows and; as storage (collection and dispersal areas) and refuge areas (mid stage of crossing; if necessary) for crossing pedestrians.  The size of the traffic islands at the corners of an intersection can be increased and put to an additional use – Bus Stops – at the mouth of the intersection on entry side and to accommodate bicycle crossings adjoining pedestrian crossings. The bus stop on straight edge of the channelizing island is for straight moving and right turning buses and that on the edge on hypotenuse for left turning buses. That is, in the case of bus lanes on the curbside; two sides of channelizing islands can be used as bus stops. Whereas, in case of bus lanes in the center, in accordance with the current practice, median width at the mouth of the intersection needs to be increased to function as a bus stop and will require a larger size in length to accommodate the same number of buses, as in this case only one side would be available for use as bus stop, unlike two in the curbside one.

Additional number of lanes are introduced at the mouth of the intersection to provide storage for turning vehicles. This additional space could perhaps be more effectively utilized by integrating with the bus lanes and bus stops suggested on the channelizing islands and; the width of the regular lanes be considered for SMV use only. An arterial roadway is normally either a 2x2 (12 m wide – with 3m lane width for SMVs as suggested earlier) or 2x3 (18m wide) lanes system with a median of appropriate width. An 18m width of SMV lanes in the center of the roadway, enveloped by bus lanes on both sides, is sufficient to function as a median of adequate width for buses to make a U-turn from inner to inner lanes of the physically segregated curbside bus lanes on both the carriageways of the roadway through a compatible signal phasing system. A 2x2 lane system can consider a median of 6m width or, for a more effective use, storage lanes of same width for turning vehicles. These lanes will provide minimum lateral separation (18m) for inner bus lanes on both the carriageways to facilitate U-turn of buses. SMVs can perform U-turn, if so desired, around the rotary during the same signal phase which permits SMVs to pass through the intersection. SMV lanes can be depressed to (G -1) and (G -2) levels and connected to accommodate all the turnings that exist on the ground level as suggested in an earlier section in case grade separation is warranted or, even otherwise, considered for enhancing the utilization of the space at ground level. The space thus released at ground level could be utilized for housing a bus stop for right tuning buses and appropriate infrastructure for bicycle and motor cycle parking. Direction oriented bus stops are thus possible with a geometric arrangement as conceptualized. In a grade separated central bus lanes option also channelizing islands can be planned to accommodate bus stops for left turning and straight moving buses with SMV lanes running underneath and a bus stop on the median for right turning buses to provide direction-oriented bus stops. However, median would have to be widened substantially to accommodate bike parking infrastructure and to facilitate buses to U-turn.

Signal Phasing – Base Option: Conventionally traffic flow through an intersection is controlled by time segregation of conflicting flows by a signaling system or by a rotary eliminating conflicting flows and converting the same in to merging and diverging flows. Flow through certain over utilized rotary intersections is also controlled by police or through an appropriate signal phasing to minimize weaving conflicts. That is, in later case, two methods are in simultaneous operation to control the flow of traffic through an intersection.  Bus priority signal phasing was adopted with the introduction of BRT systems on the corresponding corridors. Pedestrian movement along the periphery of the intersection and across is permitted through an all red phase for vehicular flow through the intersection or by synchronizing pedestrian phases along certain directions on the periphery with vehicular phases by direction combinations such that the vehicular flows are not in conflict with pedestrians. Essentially, the two categories of flows – pedestrian and vehicular – are considered currently for planning of signaling systems.

It may be appropriate, instead, to consider three categories of traffic – pedestrian, SMV and bus – flows that pass through the intersection for the planning of signaling systems and accordingly time segregate by categories, rather than by directions, in the case of an at grade intersection with a rotary arrangement and curbside bus lanes. It is assumed that the total combined dwell time of all the buses in a bus stop – 3 bays – would be about 30-45 secs. A signal cycle time greater than 120 to 150 secs range is not desired considering the behavioral aspects of road users although there are many signalized intersections in operation in India with signal cycle time more than the desired limit. A 4-phase signaling system with a cycle time range of 120 to 150 secs is suggested with each phase catering to a flow category and not to a flow by directions. That is, a single category of vehicles negotiates the rotary in an assigned phase to pass through the intersection. The conceptualized phasing plan with the suggested cycle time range and broad phase times is – Phase-1 (Pedestrians – 30-45 Secs), Phase-2 (Buses – 30 Secs), Phase-3 (SMVs – 30-45 Secs) and Phase-4 (Buses – 30 Secs) coordinating pedestrian and SMV phases with buses dwell time. It is assumed that pedestrians will cross, at a walking speed of 1.2 m per second, between curbs, spatially separated by 36 m, in two stages with a break on the median, if necessary, which is about 16 m from a curb edge. That is, every alternate phase even across cycles will serve buses flow giving a priority to their passage through the intersection. The Phase-4 a second phase for buses in the same cycle was introduced, post completion of boarding/ alighting activities during the SMV phase, in to the signal cycle, to eliminate the idle waiting time of buses and passengers, during the pedestrian phase of the following signal cycle in a 3-phase signaling system.

A similar signal phasing option may be considered at an at grade intersection on a central bus lane BRT system minus directional bus stops, on each approach arm, and busses to maneuver around the rotary for a U-turn.

The number of phases in a signal cycle can be reduced from four to two with grade separated flows for SMVs when warranted. The pedestrian phase will be ON during the dwell time of buses, that is, when bus phase is OFF. Alternatively, the two phases – pedestrian and bus – are to be synchronized with bus door closure by an appropriate communication technology, like metro systems, between buses and signal equipment for an optimal flow of both pedestrians and buses through the intersection. This allows the buses which have completed the boarding / alighting activities to exit bus stop and enter the rotary to exit the intersection at the earliest and let the queued buses to enter the bus stop and be served minimizing the wait time of buses.

In urban areas where high speed bus corridors are in consideration ab initio it would be worth considering physically segregated  bus lanes on the curbside in view of the inherent positives of such a system.

00     Interchange (road) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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02     Gidugu, Varadaraj. (2014). Optimal Allocation of Road Space (OARS) – A Concept. Research Gate

03     IRC:86-1983 - Geometric Design Standards for Urban Roads in Plains
04     IRC:3-1983 - Dimensions and Weights of Road Design Vehicles
05     IRC: SP:90-2010 Manual for Grade Separators & Elevated Structures

06     Bus Rapid Transit Planning Guide June 2007

07     EMBARQ: Draft - Road Safety Design Guidelines for Bus Rapid Transit in Indian Cities

08     URDPFI Guidelines Volume-1 2015

09     IRC: SP:84-2014 Manual of Specifications & Standards for Four Lanning of Highways through Public Private Partnership

10     MOUD, GOI: Recommendatory Urban Bus Specifications – II April 2013

11     Premier Road Carriers Ltd – Road Cargo Transportation in India

12     Michigan Left (MUT)

13     FHWA - Access Management in the Vicinity of Intersections

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16     IRC:103-1988 – Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities

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