

Saturday, 17 February 2018

Conceptual Grade Separated Intersections with Integrated Bus Stand (Part-2)

The high-speed bus corridors or BRT currently in operation are mainly based on central bus lane system (Alternate Option) and are integrated with the road networks and intersections there on with various alternatives as are appropriate and feasible. A set of at grade intersection alternatives and pedestrian crossings are suggested in guidelines [07] for BRT corridors, with a central bus lane system, in Indian cities, some of which can also be adopted in a BRT system with curbside bus lanes with modifications appropriate for the system.

The concept – a grade separated intersection – integrated with curbside bus lanes (Base Option) and neighbouring intersections with a split grade separation arrangement is detailed hereinafter. As indicated earlier, traffic movement through the intersection is segregated by size of vehicles with bus movements on surface at (G 0) and all SMV movements through underpasses at (G -1) and (G -2) levels.
The segregation of SMVs to underpasses releases the queueing area at (G 0) at the mouth of the intersection which could be utilized optimally with a mix of transportation facilities. A part of the area coupled with larger sized channelizing islands, suggested earlier, could be used to house the bus stops. The other uses of this area could be parking space for bikes (pedal and motorised) and vending (ticketing, kiosks etc.) adjacent to the bus stop for right turning buses on the median. This helps in the development of directional bus stops. Motor bikes can access the parking from service roads and bike waiting sections and crossings. The bus stop for left turning buses could be housed on the hypotenuse side of the channelizing island or in the space between left turning lanes and service road. The buses entry in to and exit from bus stops to be controlled by a signalling system which also controls the flow of crossing pedestrians and bikes. Pedestrian cum bike phase of the signal system is to be synchronized with buses dwell time and wait time of buses to enter a bus stop. Pedestrian crossings are suggested at both ends – front and back – of a bus stop for larger crossing capacity and quick discharge as a fair number of buses are likely to be serving passengers at the same time. Pedestrian crossings in the front of the bus stop towards the mouth of the intersection will reduce the walking distance to a section of pedestrians and transfer passengers. Two-way bicycle lanes are suggested on the outer edges of the roadway adjacent to the property line. The placement of bicycle lanes on the outer edges minimises the conflicts with motorized vehicles even on the service roads except at the entry and exit to the adjoining properties. The footpath is placed next to bicycle lane and pickup / drop lane next, adjoining service road, permitting safe access of such services by either personal or hire vehicles. A multi-utility strip – sections for greenery, mid-block bus stops including access facility and others – is placed on the other side of the service road.

All SMV left turns, East-West-East straight movement and; West-South right turning movement and the opposite are through underpasses at (G -1). West-South right turning movement is through an adapted MUT with underpasses for LHT rule. That is, traffic from west moves under the intersection up to a point in the east where a U-turn is possible and traces the path under bus lanes and merges with the left turning traffic from east to complete the requisite right turning manoeuver. All the other right turns would be similar and pass the intersection under, either at (G -1) or (G -2), to complete the requisite manoeuvers.

SMVs reaching a point, before the start of the up ramp, leading to exit lanes of underpasses by error, can continue or divert, to use the outer lanes to follow the correction path for heading to the desired exits. Similarly, SMVs reaching a point, on the outer lanes, adjacent to the end of the down ramp of entry lanes by error can divert to straight lanes, continuing from the ramp, to access the correction path, in that direction, if required. Underpasses can be extended beyond the U-Turn point up to the next intersection to function as a bypass and reduce turning traffic load at ground level (G 0), at it, to only that, which is accessing the adjoining land use.

The space equal to the width of the median at ground level is distributed between safety barriers on the inner edges of the ramps and the additional lane for right turning SMVs in the underpass sections. This ensures adequate number of lanes for right turning SMV traffic as also to the U-Turning traffic. The left turning traffic from South to West down the ramp diverts to the outer merging-diverging lanes and proceeds to commence the left turning manoeuver. The right turning and
U-turning traffic from north after turning “U” under the ramp where adequate vertical clearance is available tails the left turning traffic from south on the merging-diverging lanes to continue on the same path to complete the right turning
manoeuver or divert and merge with the straight moving traffic from south to complete the U-turn. Likewise, the traffic intending to make the corresponding turns from south passes under the intersection at (G -2) level up to the point where U-turn is possible and completes the respective turns by using the merging-diverging lanes on the other side. The traffic turning left from west or turning right from east towards north on reaching the point (from west of the intersection) on outer lanes diverts and merges with the traffic moving straight from south to north to complete the requisite turns and reach the next intersection at level (G 0). The bus lanes at level (G 0) ramp up and down to cross the next intermediate intersection at (G +1) level.  
The bus lanes are raised to (G +1) level, with split flyovers arrangement, to permit signal free left-in and left-out (LI-LO) movement of SMV traffic to access the areas on either side (north and south) of the intersecting road (Sub-Arterial), with no cross movement of traffic at (G 0) level, from one leg of the intersecting road to the other. Bus lanes are increased to three from the two on the arterial road, before the start of the ramps, with two going straight and one turning left at the elevated intersection to have a one lane busway on the intersecting road. Pedestrian bridges, at the two ends of the bus stop for straight moving buses, connect the two parallel flyovers to the benefit of bus passengers and other pedestrians to cross the roadway. The elevated bus stops are isosceles triangle shaped. The area of the triangle adjacent to the base can house bus stop for straight moving buses. And the areas of the triangle adjacent to the two legs of the triangle can house bus stops for buses entering and exiting the corresponding legs of the intersecting road.

The service roads, on the northern and southern sides, on both the legs of the intersecting road, and; those running along arterial road, are connected by rotaries and underpasses below the elevated bus stops and bus lanes for north-south-north transfer of SMVs. The split-flyover arrangement is suggested to maintain signal free LI-LO of bus movements also. The LI-LO bus movement is signal free due to absence of conflicting pedestrian movement in their paths.

Pedestrians and bicycles cross, under the elevated bus lanes, at grade, on sub-arterial, from one side of the service road to the other. This crossing also provides a continuous path for bicyclists moving along the arterial although with a semi-circular detour on their path. But, the same detour also provides connectivity to the bicycle lanes on the other side of the sub-arterial road. Pedestrian movement between elevated bus stops and pedestrian bridges will be during the dwell times of buses at the bus stops controlled by a two-phase signalling system.

Passengers access the elevated bus stops through connecting ramps with the pedestrian crossings on the sub-arterial road. The combined pedestrian and bicycle crossing to have a split arrangement for pedestrian movement with bicycle movement in the centre. This arrangement allows non-passenger pedestrians to use the pedestrian path, on the other side of the ramps landing, without being hindered by the passenger movements.  

The underpass connects with underpasses extended beyond the error correction path point under the arterial road (described earlier) through a rotary intersection at (G -1). This allows the turning SMV traffic on arterial road going beyond the intersection to bypass the intersection at ground level (G 0) and use the underpass. That is, the traffic not generated in the land use abutting this intersection will use the underpass intersection. Through or turning SMV traffic moving along the sub-arterial (intersecting road) uses the rotary intersection at (G -1) for the respective turns.

Buses moving on sub-arterial going straight or turning right will use an adapted MUT for the purpose. Similarly, the right turning buses on the arterial take the same U-turn as those on the sub-arterial for completing the requisite manoeuvers.

Buses change grade linearly and not on a curvilinear ramp. So, do SMVs. As the ramps run along the path. In both the cases – buses and SMVs – turns take place on reaching a new grade exclusively for the requisite manoeuvers as in the case of SMVs or the requisite manoeuvers in the case of buses take place before or after halting at the bus stops according to route plan.

The placing of the bus stops at the mouth of the arterial and sub-arterial intersections – at grade or elevated as appropriate – allows provision of a mid-block bus stop resulting in an overall inter bus stop spacing of 300 meters with a spacing of 600 meters between arterial and sub-arterial road(s). That means, a bus stop is within 150 meters from any point on the arterial road and is perceived by bus passengers to be closer than that. That is because bus passengers consider the start of the bus stop in their direction of approach to be where the bus stop is located rather than the centre of the bus stop. This is also true in the case of bus stops on the sub-arterial road. A mid-block at grade bus stop, between the two bus stops on either end, on the sub-arterial, may be placed along the minor road and close to the mouth of the intersection with a Left-In / Left-Out arrangement.

With a Left-In / Left-Out arrangement for all vehicles on both sides of the sub-arterial, vehicles from the minor road intending to turn right or access areas on the other side of the sub-arterial need to take a U-Turn at respective end-intersections, approximately 300 meters away, post Left-Out for the purpose. Similarly, vehicles moving along the sub-arterial need to take a U-Turn at the approaching intersection to access areas on the right side.

An appropriate mode wise – bus, SMV and pedestrian – signalling system may be considered to control the flow of the traffic through the rotary intersection of sub-arterials. Weaving conflicts of buses and SMVs may be minimised or eliminated with bus priority lagged-phase for vehicles or separate phases for each of these modes in the signalling system. That is, in the former, buses are allowed to enter the rotary first and followed by SMVs.

The space under the bus stop on arterial/sub-arterial intersection may be used as bike parking area to encourage public
transport use. This space and bus stops can be accessed from the section of service road connecting the sections of service roads on either side of the sub-arterial running along it and also the arterial.

It may be appropriate to shift the road side mini bus-terminals, common in India, on arterial and sub-arterial roads, to the centroid or there about of the area enveloped by the arterial / sub-arterial road network, to reduce the congestion on arterial network. This distributes boarding and alighting loads at the arterial road side bus stops minimising their sizes and also the bus stop access distance to bus users in the areas encouraging the use of public transport.

Integration of bus stops at the mouth of intersections on a road network is conceptually feasible with curbside bus lanes. Three different forms of integration were examined here. The bus movement through the intersection in two of them is segregated from SMVs which move through the intersection at a different grade.  In one of these forms (Form-1) of integration, buses move through the intersection at (G 0) level and in the other (Form-2) move at (G +1) level with bus stops located at the same level of their movement. In the third form, (Form-3) of integration, bus stops are at level (G 0) with buses and SMVs moving at the same level and their movement through the intersection is segregated by mode wise phases in the signalling system. The concepts are developed to minimise the effort pedestrians exert to cross an intersection. In Forms – 1 & 3 pedestrians cross an intersection at (G 0) level requiring no additional effort than that is normal for such an activity. In Form-1, pedestrians cross the intersection during dwell time of buses eliminating conflict between the two and in Form-3 pedestrians cross during a dedicated phase in the signalling system. In Form-2 some additional effort is required as the pedestrian crossing involves an elevated facility for the purpose. However, the effort would be less than that in the elevated pedestrian facilities currently in use. For, the concept considers elevated pedestrian facility with a 3.5 meters MVC unlike the current practice of 5.5 meters MVC as only SMVs pass under. In this option (Form-2), transit passengers, moving between bus stops, can cross at the same level (G +1) as the pedestrian crossing across the arterial road is integrated at the same level as bus stops. Also, pedestrians who need to cross the arterial road or passengers accessing the bus stop cross the service road only and not the entire width of the sub-arterial.

The rectangular blocks, enveloping the concept interchanges, in Form-1 (~6 ha) and Form-2 (~5 ha) are slightly larger than the area occupied by conventional interchanges such as a Trumpet Interchange (~4.4 ha) and Full Cloverleaf (~4.9 ha) [05]. The concept interchanges, in Form-1 (~2.9 ha) and Form-2 (~3.2 ha) occupy a small part of the blocks suggesting that the concept grade separation alternatives, the unconventional ones, could be designed in an area smaller than that required for the regular interchanges.


00     Interchange (road) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

01     Marco, Guerrieri et al. (2013). An International Review on One and Two Level Innovative Unconventional Intersection and Interchange. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

02     Gidugu, Varadaraj. (2014). Optimal Allocation of Road Space (OARS) – A Concept. Research Gate

03     IRC:86-1983 - Geometric Design Standards for Urban Roads in Plains
04     IRC:3-1983 - Dimensions and Weights of Road Design Vehicles
05     IRC: SP:90-2010 Manual for Grade Separators & Elevated Structures

06     Bus Rapid Transit Planning Guide June 2007

07     EMBARQ: Draft - Road Safety Design Guidelines for Bus Rapid Transit in Indian Cities

08     URDPFI Guidelines Volume-1 2015

09     IRC: SP:84-2014 Manual of Specifications & Standards for Four Lanning of Highways through Public Private Partnership

10     MOUD, GOI: Recommendatory Urban Bus Specifications – II April 2013

11     Premier Road Carriers Ltd – Road Cargo Transportation in India

12     Michigan Left (MUT)

13     FHWA - Access Management in the Vicinity of Intersections

14     IRC:92-1985 – Guidelines for the Design of Interchanges in Urban Areas

15    Tomaz Tollazi et al. (2015). Environmental, functional and economic criteria for comparing “target roundabouts” with one- or two-level roundabout intersections. Research Gate

16     IRC:103-1988 – Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities

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